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Public·23 members

Is Defending Innovators More Important Than Upholding the Sunnah?

Who is the LGBT priestess Dr. Omar Suleiman was singing, marching, and pouring with?

Her name is Dr. Traci Blackmon [pictured].

Muslim participants held hands with the LGBT priestesses and rabbis for a joint prayer before participating in a Christian holy crucifix anointment ritual, and finishing off the festivities with a ritualistic pouring of “sacred water” to “consecrate” their “prophetic” activism.


Now ikhwanis will say something like: Don't make tabdee' on scholar who did so much for the Ummah! No one is perfect!

Response: A person who openly opposes sunnah and calls it a good deed has made tabdee' on himself.

Defend the sunnah instead of ikhwani innovators.

Who made perfection a criterion for scholarship in Islam? No one.

So stop coming up with conditions no scholar preceeded you in.

Celebrity muslim speakers are not scholars nor replacement of Ahlul 'ilm (People of knowledge upon upright conduct / methodology)


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